
What are the main types of dietary supplements and their functions?

To delve into the issue of supplementing an organism, it is necessary to know the types and their functions, what these supplements can provide us to improve a patient’s clinical condition. We already know the importance of using supplements and how the number of people using them has grown.

There are various types of dietary supplements that will assist us in various cases. I highlight the main ones:

  1. Weight Gainer (Hipercalórico): Provides a high amount of calories to the body.
  2. Multivitamin (Vitaminico): Most commonly used, provides vitamins and minerals to address individual deficiencies.
  3. Protein (Proteico): Offers a high dose of proteins to the body, excellent for those aiming to gain muscle mass.
  4. Fat Burner (Termogenico): Recommended for individuals looking to lose weight, it increases the metabolic activity of the body.
  5. Hormonal: Aids the body in hormonal production.
  6. Antioxidants: Fights against free radicals present in cells.

Precautions for Supplementation: Always seek quality in what you are ingesting, take care with the correct intake of supplements, as indicated by a healthcare professional. Excess can be harmful to the body.

Cassia Nunes

Pharmacist by education at Walerts writes relevant articles for everyone's health regarding medications, supplements, and nutrition.

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