
Ozzy Osbourne and Family Prolong US Stay Amid Health Issues

The Osbournes’ plans to relocate back to England have been delayed more than anticipated.

In 2022, Ozzy Osbourne, the former Black Sabbath frontman, declared his intention to permanently move back to England with his wife, Sharon Osbourne, in February 2023, leaving Los Angeles behind. However, as of two years later, the couple is still in California, primarily due to Ozzy’s ongoing health issues, as revealed in a July 16 episode of “The Osbournes Podcast.”

Answering a listener’s inquiry about their delayed move, Ozzy stated, “We’re trying to get on a flight,” indicating ongoing attempts to return. Sharon elaborated that her husband’s health challenges have been a significant barrier to their relocation but remained optimistic about their eventual return. “It just seems that every time we’re set to go, something happens with Ozzy’s health, so we’ll get there. We want to go back so badly,” she added.

Ozzy, aged 75, has been openly discussing his health struggles, including multiple surgeries he has endured. He expressed a firm decision against undergoing any further surgeries after his last operation in September 2023. “When I came out of surgery, I said to Sharon ‘Whatever I’m gonna be at right now, that’s it. I can’t have any more surgery,’” he shared on the podcast. “I’ve had seven surgeries in five years.”

Recovering slowly due to his age, Ozzy continues to battle various health issues, including the aftermath of a severe quad-bike accident in 2003, a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease, a fall in 2019 that aggravated a pre-existing neck injury, and multiple health complications like staph infections, depression, blood clots, and nerve pain.

Reflecting on his career and health, Ozzy mentioned to Rolling Stone UK in 2022, “I’m taking it one day at a time, and if I can perform again, I will. But it’s been like saying farewell to the best relationship of my life.”

Additionally, the Osbourne family has observed significant changes in Los Angeles, noting a decline in the city’s appeal. Jack Osbourne remarked, “L.A. used to be nice,” a sentiment echoed by Sharon who noted it was once “friendly and clean.”

Ozzy also expressed dissatisfaction with the political climate in the United States during an August 2022 interview with The Guardian. He criticized the frequency of violent incidents and expressed a strong desire to return to England. “I don’t want to die in America,” he declared. “I’m English. I want to be back.”

Sharon shared similar sentiments about the changing landscape of America, describing it as a “very weird place to live right now,” highlighting the divisive nature of current American society.

Lucas Falcão

International Politics and Sports Specialist, Chief Editor of Walerts with extensive experience in breaking news.

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