
Nick Carter Denies Sexual Assault and Battery Claims as ‘Factually Impossible’

Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys is contesting a sexual assault lawsuit, asserting that the allegations are “factually impossible.”

Court filings from May 7 reveal that Carter has asked a Nevada court for a ruling in his favor prior to trial, citing insufficient evidence.

The 44-year-old singer has motioned for summary judgment regarding claims from Shannon Ruth, who accuses him of “sexual battery, intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.” Carter’s legal team argues that the lawsuit is an attempt to extort him and claims Ruth sought notoriety.

The filing states that Ruth aimed to attract attention to force a cancellation of Carter. It adds that Carter has supporting evidence, including testimonies from security and band management that he left the venue immediately post-performance.

Ruth’s inability to remember key details about the incident, including how she accessed the tour bus and specifics about a drink she received, is highlighted by Carter’s attorneys.

During her deposition, Ruth frequently stated she “did not remember” or “did not know” when asked to elaborate on the alleged rape.

Ruth claims she contracted HPV from the encounter, a point Carter disputes with medical evidence indicating she tested negative for the infection. He also challenges Ruth’s claims of being diagnosed with cerebral palsy and autism.

Carter argues for summary judgment, stating the lack of credible evidence should prevent the case from going to trial.

Legal teams for both sides have been contacted for comments by The Epoch Times.

Sexual Battery Allegations

In December 2022, Ruth filed a lawsuit against Carter for sexual battery, claiming an assault occurred over two decades ago after a 2001 Backstreet Boys concert. Ruth alleges Carter raped her on his tour bus after inviting her while she was in an autograph line.

Since 2017, three women have sued Carter for sexual assault and battery. Pop group member Melissa Schuman and another woman identified only as A.R. have also accused Carter of assault in separate incidents.

At a March 2023 hearing in Las Vegas, a judge allowed Carter to countersue Ruth and Schuman concerning their accusations.

Charges against Carter related to Schuman’s allegations were not pursued due to the statute of limitations.

Amid these allegations, ABC cancelled the airing of the Backstreet Boys’ holiday special.

Carter maintains his innocence and denies all accusations against him.

Lucas Falcão

International Politics and Sports Specialist, Chief Editor of Walerts with extensive experience in breaking news.

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