
Jacob Elordi employed bacon in his method acting approach for portraying Elvis. His voice was more accurate than that of AB.

In Sofia Coppola’s recent film, Jacob Elordi’s portrayal of Elvis Presley is making waves, partly because he took a unique method-acting route by consuming a significant amount of bacon.

In a conversation with Entertainment Weekly, the British actor disclosed that to truly get into the mindset of the legendary singer, he indulged in copious amounts of bacon, consuming nearly a pound daily during the film’s production. This peculiar choice was influenced by insights from Priscilla Presley, who mentioned Elvis’s fondness for the fatty meat. Despite this hefty diet, Elordi remarked that he gained weight, though it wasn’t overtly visible.

ntriguingly, Elordi’s method acting approach contrasts sharply with Austin Butler’s, who persisted in maintaining his Elvis voice even off-camera. While some admired Butler’s dedication, others found it a tad overboard. Interestingly, Coppola, citing feedback from Priscilla after a film screening, mentioned that Elordi’s vocal rendition was reminiscent of the real Elvis.

The movie, titled ‘Priscilla,’ has received widespread acclaim but hasn’t been devoid of controversy. While the previous Butler film glossed over the highlights of Elvis’s life, Coppola’s work delves deeper into the nuances of Elvis and Priscilla’s relationship, including the contentious fact that Elvis began his relationship with a teenage Priscilla. The narrative choice, especially in light of 2023’s societal sensibilities, has elicited significant debate and even objections from the late Lisa Marie Presley.

Currently showing in theaters, the movie has sparked diverse opinions. While Elvis’s estate has expressed reservations about Coppola’s depiction of the music legend, Priscilla has remained supportive since the film’s inception, as it is adapted from her memoirs.

Following this film, opinions on Elvis’s legacy might indeed be more polarized than before.

Andre Weyne

Journalist specializing in Geo-Politics with a focus on international wars. Has a variety of sources of information about celebrities.

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