
“Ask Dr. Zoe: My Dad’s Eczema Won’t Improve Despite Many Creams”

Incontinence can be both unexpected and inconvenient, striking at any time due to various triggers.

The primary types of incontinence are stress incontinence, where bladder pressure from actions like laughing or sneezing causes leaks, and urge incontinence, characterized by sudden, intense urges to urinate due to overactive bladder muscles.

Contrary to popular belief, incontinence isn’t only an issue for the elderly or pregnant women; it can affect anyone at any age, with factors like pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause increasing susceptibility.

World Continence Week is an opportune time to seek guidance from your GP if you’re affected. Performing pelvic floor exercises can help mitigate symptoms by strengthening the muscles involved in bladder control. These exercises involve both long squeezes and quick contractions, ideally performed three times daily.

Reader Queries and Advice:

One reader shares the frustration of his father’s severe, treatment-resistant eczema at age 80. Recommended strategies include avoiding dry heat, using emollients extensively as moisturizers and soap substitutes, and considering medical treatments like steroid creams if necessary.

Another reader suffers from severe hypotension associated with Sjogren’s syndrome, affecting his autonomic nervous system and causing dangerously low blood pressure. Suggestions include increasing fluid intake, using compression garments, and potentially exploring medication options through specialist referral.

Lastly, a grandparent is concerned about their granddaughter experiencing dizziness and paleness while kneeling, which could be a sign of vasovagal syncope. Monitoring blood pressure in various positions and avoiding prolonged kneeling are advised, alongside a medical review to rule out any serious underlying conditions.

Health Alert: E.Coli Outbreak Linked to Pre-Packaged Foods

A significant E.coli outbreak has prompted the recall of numerous pre-packaged food items from UK supermarkets. With a considerable percentage of affected individuals requiring hospitalization, the outbreak is linked to nationally distributed products. Symptoms include diarrhea, stomach cramps, and potentially severe complications in vulnerable populations. Preventive measures at home include thorough cooking of meats, careful handling and storage of food, and maintaining good hygiene practices.

For those affected by the recall or experiencing symptoms, further details and guidance can be found on the Food Safety Agency website.

Lucas Falcão

International Politics and Sports Specialist, Chief Editor of Walerts with extensive experience in breaking news.

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