
“China Must Consider European Reactions if It Invades Taiwan”

Envision this situation: The year is 2028, and U.S. intelligence has determined that the Chinese military is gearing up for a comprehensive invasion of Taiwan, fulfilling Chinese President Xi Jinping’s commitment to “reunify” the island with the mainland.

In a crucial move to thwart the invasion, the U.S. spearheads a G-7 initiative to impose severe economic sanctions on Beijing. The risks are immense, yet there’s a twist: China has presumably accounted for the potential costs of U.S. sanctions in its strategic planning for the invasion. Furthermore, if the ongoing trend of economic and financial separation between the U.S. and China continues, America’s influence over China is expected to have significantly decreased by 2028.

Lucas Falcão

International Politics and Sports Specialist, Chief Editor of Walerts with extensive experience in breaking news.

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