
“4 Million Brits Unaware of Condition Raising Heart Attack, Stroke Risk”

High blood pressure, often dubbed the ‘silent killer,’ significantly raises the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and kidney disease. Despite being symptomless, it affects about one in four UK adults, but nearly four million are unaware they have it, reports Blood Pressure UK.

The only way to detect this condition is through a blood pressure test, recommended for adults over 40 every five years, and now advised for younger individuals as well. This comes after findings that nearly 10% of Britons have never been checked. Hemini Bharadia of the charity emphasizes the accessibility and effectiveness of testing at home or local clinics.

The urgency of these checks is highlighted during Know Your Numbers Week, running from September 2-8, aimed at encouraging widespread testing. Neglecting to do so can be deadly, as high blood pressure is a major contributor to various severe health issues and is exacerbated by excessive salt intake.

The NHS advises limiting salt to six grams per day, yet studies show many consume nearly double. Phil Pyatt, CEO of Blood Pressure UK, urges everyone to check their blood pressure and adopt healthier lifestyles, including less salt and more fruits and vegetables.

Research also underscores the importance of potassium in managing blood pressure, with high levels found in whole foods such as legumes, nuts, and leafy greens. Regular monitoring and lifestyle adjustments, alongside medical guidance, can significantly mitigate the risks associated with high blood pressure.

Lucas Falcão

International Politics and Sports Specialist, Chief Editor of Walerts with extensive experience in breaking news.

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