
Nearly All of Russia’s Foreign Exchange Transactions Are Now Conducted in Yuan

After recent sanctions prompted the Moscow Exchange to suspend trading in US dollars and euros, the yuan now constitutes 99.6% of Russia’s foreign exchange market share. Initially, in May, the yuan made up only 53.6% of the trading volume on Russia’s exchange. However, mid-June sanctions by the US led to a cessation of trading in […]

Beverage Giant Predicts Continued Rise in Coffee Prices for the Next Year

Consumers can expect coffee prices to remain high for at least another year, according to a leading coffee supplier. Lavazza, a major player in the industry, predicts that prices will not begin to decrease until mid-next year due to ongoing severe challenges affecting the market. Giuseppe Lavazza, the vice chairman of the Italian coffee powerhouse, […]

French Election Outcomes Introduce Renewed Uncertainty in Financial Markets

French equities and state bonds displayed uncertain movements on Monday, following unexpected outcomes in the parliamentary elections. The elections saw a stronger performance by left-wing groups than the far-right, potentially leading to a legislative deadlock. The yield on the crucial 10-year government bonds decreased to 3.18% by the late afternoon, correcting an earlier increase. The […]

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