
United Airlines Introduces Personalized Ads on Seat-Back Screens

Now featured on United Airlines’ seat-back screens: personalized advertisements. On Friday, United Airlines announced the launch of Kinective Media, a new media platform designed to deliver personalized ads to travelers on seat-back screens, through its mobile app, and other channels. This initiative leverages customer data to enhance marketing strategies. Kinective Media is already collaborating with […]

Is China’s Aggressive Expansion in Chip Manufacturing a Global Concern?

China’s relentless pursuit to build its domestic chip industry continues to intensify. In May, it was disclosed that China had initiated the third phase of its “Big Fund,” an investment initiative aimed at bolstering its semiconductor sector. This new infusion of $48 billion is targeted at expanding the production of microprocessors, matching similar financial efforts […]

UK Retailers File £1.1 Billion Lawsuit Against Amazon in Landmark Case

A consortium of UK retailers is pursuing a legal case against Amazon, seeking damages of up to £1.1 billion for the alleged illicit exploitation of their data and manipulation of business practices to favor its own operations. The legal proceedings, initiated by the British Independent Retailers Association (Bira) and set to be heard by the […]

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